2023 National Veteran Vehicle Tour Rolls Into Town Soon

The 2023 National Veteran Vehicle Tour will roll into Griffith on Monday, October 2 for a week-long tour of the area.
Vintage vehicle enthusiasts and the wider community are in for a memorable experience when the 2023 National Veteran Vehicle Tour rolls into town on Monday, October 2.
Griffith City Council proudly supports the week-long tour of Griffith and the surrounding region as the group showcases more than 100 veteran cars and bikes.
The vehicles will gather at the Griffith Pioneer Park Museum, coinciding with the museum’s Machinery and Market Day, including artisan market stalls, entertainment and food and coffee vendors on site.
A reduced entry fee will also apply to locals for the event.
Griffith Mayor, Doug Curran will officially open the Griffith National Veteran Vehicle Tour followed by afternoon tea sponsored by Council.
“It’s going to be great to have the National Veteran Vehicle Tour in Griffith,” Mayor Curran said.
“We are fortunate that they have chosen our city this year.
“I look forward to seeing the amazing vehicles and welcoming all of the participants.
“Many levels of Council have been working with the organisation for many months and it’s great to see all of that hard work coming to fruition.”
The Tour will spend the day in and around Griffith on Thursday, October 5, giving locals a prime opportunity to view the vehicles before they meet at the Tourism Hub Car Park at 5:30 pm for the Gaslight Parade commencing at 7:15 pm.
The parade promises to be a sight for the eyes, as the cars crawl along Banna Avenue with their original acetylene gas lights casting a glow along the street.
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