340 Squadron Griffith Given Freedom Of Entry To The City

Griffith City Mayor John Dal Broi bestows the Freedom of Entry To The City to 340 Squadron Griffith’s Flight Lieutenant (AAFC) Michael Borg.
There was a lot to celebrate on Saturday, May 1 for 340 Squadron Griffith. Their 5th-anniversary dinner was attended by 80 people, including stakeholders and Air Force Senior Officers.
Griffith City Council bestowed the Freedom of Entry to the City upon the Squadron.
In military terms, this is an honour conferred by a local government body upon a military unit, which grants that unit the privilege of marching “with drums beating, colours flying, and bayonets fixed”.
Flight Lieutenant (AAFC) Michael Borg said it was an honour to have the award bestowed upon the Squadron and thanked Griffith City Council, the families and stakeholders for their support over the past five years.
“Without this support from the community we would not exist and be as strong as we are,” he said.
“As a youth organisation, we have mentored and supported approximately 100 young people to become better people within our community.”
“This is a great achievement by the Squadron staff, for their dedication and commitment to the squad.”
Respects were paid to Sergeant Roy Stacy (rtd) a World War 2 RAAF Veteran who assisted the squadron in many ways and was their patron until passing in September 2018.
“We also paid our respects to Pavon Sharma who was an ex cadet from our squadron, who passed away in 2020, and Paul (Riddo) Ridley who was a civilian staff member who also passed away in 2020,” Flight Lieutenant Borg said.
“These three members are, and will always be, a part of our squadron.”
The squadron shares its fifth year celebration with the Australian Air Force Cadets, who are 80 years old, and the Royal Australian Air Force, who are 100 years old.
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