Are You Ready To Vote?

Now is the time to enrol or update your enrolment with the NSW Electoral Commission before the NSW State election on Saturday, March 25.
The NSW State election is set for Saturday, March 25 and the NSW Electoral Commission has asked voters to prepare to vote by ensuring their enrollments are up-to-date.
NSW Electoral Commissioner, John Schmidt said with much of the state on break, now was a great time to get election ready.
“Whether you need to enrol for the first time, update your details or just check where you are enrolled, it’s quick and easy to do online.
“Go to and you’ll get all the information you need.”
Mr Schmidt said more than 100,000 in the state would be eligible to vote, but were not on the electoral roll.
“It is compulsory to enrol to vote in NSW if you are eligible and 18 or over,” he said.
“With a state election coming up, we want as many people as possibly enrolled correctly and ready to have their say.
“All you need to enrol is a driver’s licence, and Australian passport, or have someone who is enrolled confirm your identity.”
Mr Schmidt said he also encouraged anyone who had moved recently to check, and update their enrolment if necessary.
“Moving is a busy time, but it’s really important that once you move you put updating the electoral roll on your to-do list,” Mr Schmidt said.
“Service NSW has put together a checklist for NSW residents who may need to be notified when you move house, including details of how to change your enrolment.
“It will make voting in your new area much easier and election day - 25 March isn’t far away.”
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