Beyond Blue Shares Tips To Help Navigate Everyday Life Stresses

During Mental Health Awareness Month, Beyond Blue shares five tips to help relieve the stresses of everyday life that can build up.
We have long heard the line - people just need someone to listen - and while being a great listener is great, people are looking for more than that today.
They want to know that if they turn up to a counselling session they are going to go home with at least a few practical suggestions for improving their mental health.
Beyond Blue has shared five tips to help relieve stresses that can build up:
- Tackle problems one at a time - break problems down into bite-size pieces;
- Be aware of common thinking traps - all-or-nothing thinking, self-blame or repetitive thinking;
- Set realistic, achievable goals. It doesn’t need to be perfect;
- Balance is key - schedule your time between work, family and just you.
- Keep the body and mind healthy with healthy habits.
Beyond Blue’s lead clinician, Dr Grant Blashki said there were multiple benefits to using low-intensity CBT and problem-solving to support our mental health.
“These techniques are based on evidence and are shown to improve clinical outcomes for common mental health conditions like depression and anxiety,” Dr Blashki said.
“People who are using the skills are often able to reduce their negative thinking patterns, the severity of their symptoms and find that they develop new coping skills that they can apply to other patterns in their lives.”
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