Community Consultation For 2023 Kicks Off In Griffith

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix


IMAGE: COG meetings give the community an opportunity to raise concerns and connect personally with their Council representatives.

The first Community Opinion Group (COG) Meeting for 2023 will kick off at the new Griffith Regional Sports Centre on Tuesday, February 7.

As usual, locals are invited to attend the first quarterly COG meeting and connect with Griffith City Council Councillors and senior staff from 7 pm.

Griffith Mayor, Doug Curran will chair the meeting at which Council will present an update on previous COG items, including the Yenda Oval Kiosk and Hanwood Sports Complex grant applications.

The agenda will also include items raised by residents.

Mayor Curran said the COG meetings demonstrated Council’s ongoing commitment to open and transparent consultation with the community.

“Last year the three COG meetings were all very well attended,” Mayor Curran said.

“This time we are starting in Griffith and will continue throughout the year at our villages.

“We thought the newly refurbished stadium would be a good location so that those who may not have been inside could take a look.”

Community members wishing to put forward items for inclusion on the agenda or to be personally notified of the agenda for each COG meeting need only subscribe to the COG email list.

Quarterly COG meetings, monthly Council Cafes and weekly Council Catch Up newsletter were all designed to give the community opportunities to raise matters of concern.

COG meetings for 2023:

  • February 7, Griffith
  • May 2, Yoogali
  • August 1, Hanwood
  • October 31, Yenda

The monthly Council Cafe will be held on Thursday, February 16 at Griffin Plaza from 10 am to 11:30 am if you can’t make the COG.

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