Community Grant Recipients Announced Across Murrumbidgee

Coleambally’s Squash Club is a recipient of the Murrumbidgee Council Community Grants. From left to right, Club treasurer Cate Hardy, junior members and President Neil Burke.
Murrumbidgee Council together with Coleambally Solar Farm has announced the recipients for the 2024 round of community funding.
Mayor Ruth McRae said with the support of Neoen Coleambally Solar Farm and the former Darlington Point Lions Club, they awarded funding across three different programs each year:
Murrumbidgee Council Community Grants;
Darlington Point Lions Club Grants; and
Coleambally Solar Farm Community Fund.
Out of 24 excellent applications, 17 initiatives were selected to share in $42,000 worth of funding, all aimed at fostering community development and enhancing the quality of life for residents across the council area.
Neoen Australia Managing Director Louis de Sambucy said it was a pleasure to be able to provide these annual Coleambally Solar Farm community grants to support local projects that benefit and strengthen the Murrumbidgee Council area.
In thanking everyone who submitted an application and congratulating recipients, Mayor McRae said she was very pleased to see such a strong response from the community, with the selected projects encompassing a diverse range of initiatives that will positively impact the lives of Murrumbidgee residents.
Secretary of the Darlington Point Men’s Shed said the group was pleased to receive the funding and had been sourcing funding for the disabled toilet for six to seven years and the $2,000 from Council would get them over the line.
The Coleambally Squash Club received $1,649.40.
Club treasurer Cate Hardy described the Coleambally Squash Club as a small but very active club.
“The grant will help us to purchase a drink machine which will enable us to fundraise for equipment to support our junior racquet sports program,” Ms Hardy said.
Murrumbidgee Council Community Grant Program recipients:
Coleambally Squash Club, $1649.40 - Junior safety glasses, ice packs and refrigeration;
Country Education Foundation of Coleambally and Darlington Point, $2,000.00 - Contribution to education grants;
Cypress View Lodge, $2,000.00 - Sit to stand lifter chair;
Darlington Point Men’s Shed Inc, $2,000.00 - Contribution towards new accessible toilet facilities;
Darlington Point Riverina Classic Catch & Release Fishing Competition, $2,000.00 - Lures for all junior entrants in competition;
Jerilderie Apex Club, $2,000.00 - Five sets of bowls to attract participants and barefoot bowls;
Jerilderie Bowls Club via Jerilderie Sports Club, $2,000.00 - Branded gazebo with JFNC logo/graphics and printer/scanner/photocopier;
Toganmain Woolshed Precinct, $2,000.00 - First aid equipment, hard hats, gloves, hi-vis vests and portable diesel generator;
Waddi Cultural Information Centre, $2,000.00 - Portable PA system.
Murrumbidgee Council Community Grant Program recipients
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