Consultation Sessions Set For Griffith Mountain Bike Track

Community consultation sessions will commence on Monday, September 11 to discuss the draft design of the new Mountain bike track for Griffith.
Griffith is set to get a new Mountain bike track and residents have been urged to have a say on the draft design for the $500,000 project at a series of consultation sessions.
The draft design for the proposed track to be located at Abattoir Road, Griffith, will be on display during the consultation sessions.
Griffith Mayor, Doug Curran urged interested locals to attend.
“Council reached out to the community in February 2022 through a survey, obtaining valuable feedback which formed part of the successful funding application,” Mayor Curran said.
“Since then, we’ve explored different locations and settled on the current location.
“This is an opportunity for people to talk to us about the project so we can finalise the design for our users to get maximum benefit.
“The Mountain Bike Track has been a project the community has been very vocal about and I am pleased that we are able to provide this space for residents and visitors to our city.
“We are also liaising with our local member about the possibility of additional money to enhance the project.”
Public consultation sessions:
- Monday, September 11 - Council Chambers from 5 pm to 6 pm;
- Thursday, September 21 - Council Cafe, Kooyoo kiosk from 10 am to 11:30 am; and
- Monday, September 25 - Council Chambers from 5 pm to 6 pm.
The project was funded under the NSW Government’s Open Spaces Program: Places to Play 2021/22.
If you need information or have questions prior to the consultation sessions, send them to or call 1300 176 077.
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