Council Reduces Water Level At Lake Wyangan South

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix


Council pumps water to protect homes ahead of any further wet weather.

Ahead of any further wet weather, Griffith City Council has taken steps to protect homes located near Lake Wyangan South.

Preparations are in place to install a large pump to move water out of Lake Wyangan South into the Tharbogang Wetlands.

The Tharbogang Wetlands pumping proposal will endeavour to make houses safe from flooding and provide accessibility.

Council has been working with adjoining landholders to find a suitable solution to alleviate further flooding in residential areas.

The Lake Wyangan Catchment is at capacity due to continuous rainfall in the catchment area.

Water is currently over the Jones Road causeway with the North and South Lake now merged.

Water is continuing to drain into the system.

Griffith Mayor, Doug Curran has asked for community cooperation while the work is carried out.

“The two lakes are now at capacity so we have to take these steps to protect homes,” Mayor Curran said.

“We are talking about a really large pump which means it will be a noisy exercise, so we do anticipate that those nearby will hear it.

I just ask that everyone tries to understand that these are exceptional circumstances.”

Councillors were briefed about the plan on Tuesday, November 15 at the workshop and advised that it would be the best preventable action.

Council will pump water out of the lake system so that the Jones Road causeway can be reopened, to prevent dwellings from flooding and clear flood waters from any homes already affected by flood water.

Lake Wyangan and Tharbogang Wetlands are in a terminal catchment which means neither can flow downstream.

“I’d like to thank the landholders for their cooperation in helping us implement this action and other residents in advance for their understanding,” Mayor Curran said.

Council also proposed to submit a funding application to review the Lake Wyangan Flood Study (2012) and Lake Wyangan Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan (2013).

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