CWA Griffith Branch Gifts Library With Centennary Book

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix


CWA Griffith Branch president Cheryll Steele presents Griffith City Library Community Engagement Co-ordinator Rina Cannon with a copy of their centenary book, The Women Who Changed Country Australia.

CWA Griffith Branch presented Griffith City Library with a copy of their centenary book, The Women Who Changed Country Australia on Thursday, June 23.

Publicity Officer Karen Byrne said the book shared stories of the last 100 years of CWA.

“Branches received their copies of the book at the State Conference last month,” Ms Byrne said.

“The book talks of when all the branches opened.

“Our president gifted the book to library staff.”

Community Engagement Co-ordinator, Rina Cannon accepted the book from CWA Griffith Branch President, Cheryll Steele on behalf of Griffith City Library and said they were excited to include the publication in their collection.

“It’s an opportunity for us to work with community groups.

“It’s what we’re all about.

“We love it.

“To have the book here in the library so that people can learn more about what the CWA do is wonderful.”

The book is available for loan to the public.

The library hosted a CWA display over the past weeks, culminating in the book presentation last week.

Members of the CWA were present at the special event, sharing stories and enjoying a catch-up.

The Country Women’s Association (CWA) was founded in 1922 when country women were fighting a lack of health facilities and isolation.

Over the past 100 years, the women of this resourceful group worked tirelessly to set up baby health care centres, fund bush nurses, build and staff maternity wards, hospitals, schools, rest homes, and much more.

The CWA is the largest women’s organisation in the country and aims to improve conditions for country women and children.

They are always looking for new members to keep the issues that matter in the spotlight.

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