Dalton Appointed Chair Of NSW Committee On Children And Young People

IMAGE: Independent Member for Murray, Helen Dalton.
Independent Member for Murray, Helen Dalton, has been announced as the Committee Chair of the NSW Committee for Children and Young People.
The Committee was established to oversee the Advocate for Children and Young People and can report on any changes needed to its functions and processes.
Mrs Dalton said they had an important focus to ensure children and young people’s mental, physical and emotional health was nurtured and supported to enable them to flourish.
“As a mother and former teacher I feel perfectly suited to this appointment,” Mrs Dalton said.
The Committee has a wide scope addressing issues such as bullying and cyberbullying, child protection, youth justice, child disability advocacy, Indigenous youth support and connection to culture and children’s health.
It also monitors and reviews the Children’s Guardian's administration of the Working With Children Check.
Mrs Dalton said that in 2020 12.3per cent of NSW’s population were young people.
“Ensuring that as many children and young people as possible are given the opportunity to have their voices heard is my priority”.
“I am honoured to represent all of NSW’s children and especially those in rural, regional and remote communities.
‘Every child deserves the best possible outcomes in life.”
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