Dalton Backs Anti Water Buybacks Petition

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix


Independent Member for Murray, Helen Dalton.

Independent Member for Murray, Helen Dalton has urged all residents of NSW to sign an anti-water buyback petition that has been posted on the parliamentary website.

“One of my constituents has lodged an ePetition with the NSW parliament demanding the government start listening to all communities that will be affected by water buybacks and the transfer of water to the Commonwealth,” Ms Dalton said.

“Buybacks will ruin rural, remote and regional communities, the overall economy and jeopardise our food security and sovereignty.

“This issue will impact all Australians from the farm gate to the city.”The petition requires 20,000 signatures to initiate a debate in a parliament that demands the government stop the transfer of water from the southern basin irrigation communities to the Commonwealth for the environment.

It calls for the assessment of the potential economic losses these communities may face if water resources are diverted and also assess the environmental implications of water transfers on local ecosystems, and biodiversity.

“We are already seeing the degradation of our endangered platypus and kingfisher populations with the erosion of riverbanks due to the rivers being run too hard and fast,” Ms Dalton said.

“The government must immediately engage in transparent consultation with affected communities to address concerns regarding water management.

“Safeguarding water resources is crucial for the survival of our state, our food security and sovereignty and our economy, but most importantly, it is the survival of rural, remote and regional communities who maintain Australia’s food bowl.”

The petition can be found by following this link: LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY-Signing ePetition-Protect Rural and Remote Communities from Commonwealth Water Buybacks nsw.gov.au.

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