Dalton Pushes All Levels Of Government To Address Housing Crisis

Griffith’s housing crisis is on Independent Member for Murray’s Helen Dalton as she pushes to all levels of government to put some action behind solving the problem.
It certainly isn’t a secret that a lack of housing is a key issue right across the region, but Independent Member for Murray, Helen Dalton has called for a tri-government push to address the issue as a matter of urgency.
Mrs Dalton said it was important for local, state and federal governments to work together to find immediate solutions to one of the major problems decimating our rural communities.
“From Wentworth in the far west to Leeton in the east and every place in between, Murray needs immediate investment in social housing, along with residential developments and on farm housing; any housing,” Mrs Dalton said.
“We need to cut red tape and get local councils prioritising housing developments and applications because we can’t bring skilled and unskilled workers into our towns to fill labour shortages if they don’t have anywhere to live.”.
The social housing waitlist in NSW has grown by 13 per cent in the last 12 months; up to 57,000 households.
“We cannot support domestic abuse survivors because we don’t have any safe house for them to go,” Mrs Dalton said.
“Competition for rentals are at an all-time high, and the rental market is failing to offer affordable housing to communities - it is a vicious cycle.”
Mrs Dalton said that while the housing issue would not be resolved quickly there was nothing wrong with making a start, and all forms of government must be part of the solution.
“My office held a housing forum in Griffith last year to address this issue and a number of solutions were offered including zoning flexibility, prefabricated or tiny homes, red tape reduction and financial initiatives for dwellings constructed on farm and industry supplied worker housing,” Mrs Dalton said.
She said she would also like to see properties available for service workers including paramedics and health workers.
“Just last week I heard paramedics were sleeping in cars and tents because they cannot find any houses and this is just unacceptable.”
Mrs Dalton hopes to host another forum later in the year as she continues to push for genuine solutions and housing outcomes for Murray.
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