Dalton Urges Plibersek To Listen To Commission

Independent Member for Murray, Helen Dalton.
Independent Member for Murray, Helen Dalton has urged Federal Water Minister, Tanya Plibersek to accept the findings of the Productivity Commission - that her plan to buy back 450 GL of water from struggling farmers in the Murray Darling Basin is doomed to failure.
“The Productivity Commission are the experts,” Ms Dalton said.
“The Commission says clearly in its 2023 Implementation review that the Feds should be getting additional water from its water recovery projects first, rather than just trying to buy water from distressed farmers and producers in the Basin.”
Ms Dalton said Ms Plibersek’s plan will destroy regional communities and fail to help the environment.
The Federal Government’s plan, detailed in the Water Amendment (Recovering Our Rivers) Bill, is currently being debated in the Senate.
Ms Dalton asked every Senator to review the Productivity Commission Report.
“The Productivity Commissions didn’t mince its words,” she said.
“Its report literally says, “It makes little sense for the Australian Government to rapidly pursue the 450 GL/y when a significant shortfall in the Bridging the Gap target is expected.
“In other words, the Productivity Commission wants the Federal Government to save water through the efficiency projects it isn’t yet running properly, rather than just buying water from struggling farmers.”
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