Dump For Free Weekend

Get cleaning in preparation for Council’s next dump for free weekend on Saturday and Sunday, March 18 and 19.
If you haven’t already, now is the time to have that big clean-out or backyard blitz you’ve been meaning to have.
We all accumulate ‘stuff’ that ends up being unwanted or no longer needed, so Griffith City Council’s next ‘dump for free’ weekend is the perfect time to get rid of the junk.
The Tharbogang Waste Management Centre and Yenda Waste Management Centre will hold a ‘dump for free’ weekend on Saturday and Sunday, March 18 and 19 from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm.
Council’s Waste Operations Manager, Mr John Roser said each year Council spent in excess of $40,000 cleaning up waste from the roadside due to illegal dumping and the dump for free weekends were on way they were trying to address the issue.
“The ‘Dump for Free’ day is an initiative of Council to address some of the illegal dumping throughout the LGA and to assist residents in the disposal of their Bulky Waste,” Mr Roser said.
“The weekends have proven to be a massive success with close to 1200 residents using the Tharbogang and Yenda service during the September event last year.
“Residents who want to take advantage of the free entry at the Tharbogang and Yenda facilities can dispose of general domestic waste including garden rubbish, mixed recyclables and general waste and is capped at two standard loads per household.
“We will only accept four car tyres per load and no commercial or ag tyres will be accepted.
“A standard load is the equivalent of a ute/car and trailer combo, or just a ute or car load.
“It is important to note that no asbestos will be accepted over this weekend.”
Mayor Doug Curran reminded residents to take advantage of the free Community Recycling Centre (CRC) located at the Tharbogang Waste Management Facility.
“The Community Recycling Centre is a permanent drop-off centre for common household problem wastes that can’t be collected via council kerbside waste and recycling collection services,” Mayor Curran said.
“Griffith and surrounds householders can drop off problem wastes at the Tharbogang Waste Management Facility all year round, free of charge – take advantage of this great service at any time and help your local environment.”
The CRC can accept paint, gas bottles, fire extinguishers, motor oils, other oil, car and household batteries, smoke detectors and fluro globes and tubes.
The Centre can be accessed 7 days per week from 8 am to 5 pm.
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