Fantastic support for Ayla in fundraiser

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix

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Kia Millis courageously shaved her beautiful hair on Friday January 22, to raise funds for the seven-year-old Ayla, the child of her best friend Leah at the Victoria Hotel.

She raised $3,800 on the night and another $1,300 via a GoFundMe fundraiser. Ayla was born in February 2013, and her birth story is a little different from others.

Unfortunately, there were a lot of complications to which Ayla was diagnosed with a form of cerebral palsy known as spastic quadriplegia, which confines her to a wheelchair.

Kia usually resides in England with her family. She came home for a job and has stayed due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. Instead of getting swept in pandemic hysteria, Kia redirected her focus to the cause of someone that will always have it harder than her.

"I decided to shave my hair as something that as a woman we take for granted," said Kia Millis.

Every 20 hours an Australian child is born with cerebral palsy. It is the most common physical disability in childhood. It’s a lifelong condition and there is no known cure.

Care is estimated to cost an average of $43,431 per person per year, of which approximately 37% of costs are paid by the individual and/or of their family.

Kia has spoken passionately about fundraising, and how it is close to her heart. Miss Millis expressively spoke about her friendship with Ayla’s mother, Leah.

The day to day struggle with financial struggle and support with Ayla’s condition. Her treatment in Sydney and continual neurologist appointments create pressure on single mother Leah who relies on her single income to cover the costs.

Kia also explained when Ayla grows older, there will be a high demand for extra support including transformations in the home, new wheelchairs, and car modifications.

She thanked everyone so much for the support and said the night was so good and everyone was so generous. Special mentions were Alison Matthews from Individual Hair Studio for assisting with the shave, and the Victoria Hotel staff who made the night possible.

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