Fee-Free Training Supercharges NSW’s Early Learning Workforce

Early education will receive a major boost with 25,000 fee-free training places made available to fill in-demand roles.
The NSW Government has committed to 25,000 fee-free training places to bolster the pipeline of skilled and job-ready workers for the early-learning and care sector.
Fee-free courses help people upskill and boost budgets by removing barriers to accessing quality vocational education and training.
The State Government’s investment in fee-free courses enables people to get a job in an incredibly rewarding industry, study for free and earn while they learn.
There has never been a better time to access fee-free courses to get skilled and find in-demand jobs.
A wide range of full and part qualifications are available, including Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care and Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care.
These courses provide pathways to employment including early childhood educators and educators in before and after school care programs.
Minister for Skills and Training, Alister Henskens said last year more than 11,000 people undertook early childhood education training, supporting the sustainable pipeline of educators and teachers for tomorrow.
“People who are already working in the industry can also upskill if they enrol in courses this year, and bolster their qualifications so they can take on new roles as early learning educators,” Mr Henskens said.
Minister for Education and Early Learning, Sarah Mitchell said the NSW Government’s revolutionary Early Years Commitment will create job growth and opportunities for people to explore a career in early childhood education.
“Our investment in early learning will transform the education system, create jobs and secure a brighter future for NSW families,” Ms Mitchell said.
“Parents know the value of a high quality and reliable early childhood service for their child’s future.”
More information about courses and eligibility is available online.
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