Flood Recovery Grants Open

Flood-affected small business owners and not-for-profits can now apply for flood recovery grants.
Small business owners and not-for-profit organisations across flood-affected parts of the State can now apply for up to $50,000 to help with immediate clean-up and recovery costs.
Duty MLC for Wagga Wagga nd Murray, Wes Fang said small business owners and non-profit organisations affected by flooding the Riverina are eligible to apply.
“We’ve seen 75 local government areas subject to a natural disaster declaration over the past few months, including many of our communities across the Riverina,” Mr Fang said.
“The impact of the flooding has been absolutely devastating and there is a long road to recovery ahead.
“This grant is about ensuring local businesses and not-for-profit organisations have much needed cash flow so they can get back on their feet sooner.”
Minister for Customer Service and Digital Government, Victor Dominello said the grants were administered by Service NSW as part of a range of support programs for disaster-impacted communities.
“Businesses can apply for the Disaster Recovery Small Business Grant - Storms & Gloods August and September 2022 Onwards now via the Service NSW website,” Mr Dominello said.
“Customers can also call Service NSW on 13 77 88, register for a call back from a Business Concierge or visit their local Recovery Centre should they require further assistance.”
Minister for Flood Recovery, Steph Cooke said the grant was available in the 75 LGAs declared natural disaster zones in recent months.
“It’s been a very tough period for communities right across inland NSW with more than 3,500 properties damaged and 1,881 of those deemed uninhabitable,” Ms Cooke said.
The Disaster Recovery Small Business Grant - Storms & Floods August and September 2022 Onwards is in addition to the $75,000 Primary Producer Grant, $10,000 Rural Landholder Grant and a range of other assistance available to natural disaster declared council areas, jointly funded by the State and Commonwealth governments.
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