From Griffith Council – John Dal Broi

Written by: John Dal Broi

John Dal Brio

Mayor John Dal Broi.

I know I have said it before, but it needs saying again - Griffith is booming! Council continues to roll out over $70m in community infrastructure projects, keeping staff and contractors very busy. You cannot go very far within the LGA and not see a Council project underway.

Valentines Day saw the open day held at Griffith Regional Aquatic Leisure Centre, and more than 850 people enjoy the new pool.

This is a wonderful outcome for our community who have long made it known how much they missed having an outdoor pool to swim in.

I think we can all agree, the wait was well worth it - the facility is fantastic and will see not only recreational swimming but the expansion of swim school and squad programs, as well as local, regional and State swimming competitions. The new complex was designed with everyone in mind and I am pleased to see it being utilised - we have received great feedback from the community so far, and I would like to thank everyone who has supported this project.

Council facilities are all up and running under the COVID safe guidelines, which means Griffith Regional Theatre has some fantastic shows on offer this season. If you attended the launch earlier this month, you would have seen the exciting schedule, but if not, make sure you visit the website at for more information.

We are fortunate to have such a world-class facility on our doorstep and I would encourage you to support the arts so that we can continue to offer high-quality performances each year.

Council had a particularly busy meeting this Tuesday, with many important items up for discussion. You would have seen on page one the adoption of a Plan of Management for Campbell’s Wetland. This is a very important step to ensuring the preservation and future development of this environmentally important wetland. Council also considered a report on Flood Mapping for Yenda, with it being resolved to place on public exhibition for comment. The report will be on Council’s website and it is vital we receive community input.

One benefit of the adoption of the Flood Mapping Update for Yenda’ is that it is anticipated there will be a reduction in household and content insurance premiums for Yenda residents, which is great news.

If you are interested in what happens at Council Meetings, please visit for agendas and minutes, and don't forget you can view the Facebook Livestream of each meeting on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 pm.

This year will see the Council elections held during September, which means it is time for members of the community to decide if they would like to become a councillor.

Becoming a councillor is an exciting opportunity to make a difference and to represent the interests of residents.

The Office of Local Government has a range of publications and resources available to potential candidates, which you can view at

While it takes time, dedication and passion, being a councillor is also rewarding and a great way to help move your community forward.

Finally, just a reminder to take care on the roads during harvest season - it is a busy time and can be dangerous for road users.

Until next time,
Cr John Dal Broi

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