Funding Announced For Community Partnerships In Murray

Yenda Public School will receive $30,459 through the 2023 Community Building Partnership Program for improvements to the school.
The electorate of Murray has secured $299,211 in funding for a total of 13 projects through the NSW Government’s 2023 Community Building Partnership Program.
Member for Murray, Helen Dalton said the funds would deliver much-needed improvements to local facilities including boundary fencing for dressage club grounds, kitchen refurbishment, high jump and long jump athletic equipment, gymnasium equipment, upgrading primary marine rescue vessel, water bubblers and kindy gym area equipment upgrade.
“This is fantastic news for Murray,” Ms Dalton said.
“This grassroots funding will directly help create a more vibrant and inclusive local community with positive social, environmental and/or educational outcomes.
“I congratulate all the organisations that were successful in their application and look forward to seeing how these projects make a real difference for community groups in the area,”
The list of successful projects includes:
REA Leeton District Dressage Club, $8,006;
Goolgowi Ex-Servicemen’s Memorial Club, $27,350;
Hay Trees on Plains Landcare Group Inc, $13,934;
Hay Little Athletics Club Inc, $12,500;
Yenda Public School P&C Association, $30,459;
Coleambally Community Club, $35,000;
Boys to the Bush Ltd, $18,322;
Deniliquin Little Athletics Centre, $27,548;
Barham High School P&C Association, $25,000;
Go! Go! Public School P&C Association, $5,000;
The Bridge Art Project, $18,982;
Wentworth Angling Club Inc, $16,000;
Riding for the Disabled Association (NSW, $16,110.
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