GCC’s Christmas Light And Merry Mailbox Is Back

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix


Christmas is mere weeks away and Griffith will officially light up on Friday, December 2.

Christmas is almost here and one of the biggest delights of the season is driving around and looking at all the lights with family and friends.

Griffith City Council’s annual Christmas light and Merry Mailbox competitions are back this year.

Griffith Mayor, Doug Curran has encouraged residents to register their homes for the popular competition as part of the Glow2680 program.

Registering your home ensures a place on the map as well as a chance to win the Mayor’s Choice Award and the People’s Choice Award and the Merry Mailbox category, now in its second year.

“I encourage everyone to consider decorating their homes and mailboxes for the Christmas season,” Mayor Curran said.

“We will provide an online map so that residents and visitors can explore the lights during the festive season at their own pace.

“No matter how big or small your Christmas display is, I would encourage you to head to our website and register.”

The Merry Mailbox category was added to the program last year to encourage more people to get involved across the region.

“We realise that not everyone is able to decorate their homes on a grand scale, this way you can still add Christmas cheer in a smaller way,” Mayor Curran said.

The Glow2680 launch joins with the Griffith Rotary Christmas Carnival on Friday, December 2.

Lights along Banna Avenue and within the Memorial Gardens will officially be turned on.

Approximately 22 plane trees will be lit up, as well as the giant walk-through bauble with fairy lights, shooting stars and archway back.

It promises to be an incredible display for our community and visitors to enjoy.

Register your home or mailbox online at www.griffith.nsw.gov.au/FOLregister.

Council will also create a Christmas Calendar of Events including items such as the 2022 Carols by Candlelight to be held on Saturday, December 10.

Visit www.glow2680.com.au to add your event or contact Council’s Corporate Communications Officer, Naomi Stephens on 1300 176 077 for more information about the Christmas Light and Merry Mailbox competitions.

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