GCC’s Draft Budget For 2023/24 On Exhibition

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix


Griffith City Council invites feedback on its draft annual Budget for 2023/24.

Griffith City Council has released its draft Annual Budget for 2023/24, which is now on public exhibition.

At the Ordinary Meeting of Council on May 9, Council resolved to endorse the draft Delivery Program, Operational Plan and Budget, and draft Fees and Charges for the 2023-24 financial year and invite the community to provide feedback.

The draft budget includes an increase in general rates of 3.7 per cent, which complies with the rate-pegging limit set by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART).

The draft Budget outlines a range of services provided by Council, including maintenance and renewal of roads, drainage and infrastructure, and parks and gardens.

According to Griffith Mayor Doug Curran, the budget reflects Council's efforts to provide the best level of service possible within a challenging economic climate, where rising costs, inflation, and financial uncertainty are impacting Councils across NSW.

In the coming year, Council plans to undertake significant road works, including Boorga Road, Dickie Road, Yambil Street upgrade (stage 4), and the Griffith Southern Industrial Link Road.

Infrastructure improvements in this budget include:

  • Lake Wyangan recreation area improvements;
  • Griffin Green Housing Project;
  • Mountain Bike Track;
  • Hanwood Oval amenities building; and
  • Yenda Oval Kiosk.

With regard to the longer-term financial plan, Council has made an in principle decision to make application to IPART to implement a future Special Rate Variation over 3 years (ie 2024/25, 2025/26 and 2026/27) of 10.5 per cent each year (inclusive of the approved rate pegging increase for that year (assumed 3.0 per cent).

Mayor Curran emphasised the enormous pressure placed on Council’s budget, especially the general fund.

The growing gap between the cost of maintaining Council assets, providing services, cost-shifting from other levels of government and diminishing value of operational grants has reached the point where the general fund is financially unsustainable.

To address this issue, Council endorsed the intention to make an application to IPART to implement a Special Rate Variation.

“It’s important to note that the proposed Special Rate Variation is subject to extensive community consultation,” Mayor Curran said.

Community members are encouraged to provide feedback on the Draft 2023/24 Budget by:

  • completing an online form at www.griffith.nsw.gov.au/budget;
  • emailing admin@griffith.nsw.gov.au;
  • posting the General Manager PO Box 485, Griffith, 2680;
  • attending one of the scheduled in-person feedback sessions; or
  • attending the Special Budget COG Meeting/Presentation 7 pm Tuesday June 6 at Yoogali Club.

Feedback on the draft 2023/24 budget must be received by Friday, June 6. Future community consultation in regard to the proposed SRV will continue for several months.

Council will consider all feedback in this regard at a meeting in September/October this year before making a final application to IPART.

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