Grace Church Hosts Christmas Lunch

Enjoy Christmas lunch with others at Grace Church this year.
Christmas Day is no time to be alone - be a part of the community Christmas Lunch at Grace Church this year instead.
Grace Church pastor, Nigele Halliburton and his faithful congregation have been busily working to create a wonderful atmosphere and delicious lunch for everybody.
“We want to show that we care,” Pastor Nigele said.
“We want to show the love of Christ to the community that don’t know Him.”
The Combined Churches of Griffith have been working together to put on a free Christmas lunch each year, for more than a decade now, particularly for those people who have nobody to celebrate the season with.
Each denomination is rostered on to host the event and there have been some fantastic Christmas celebrations over the years.
The truth is that we were not created to be alone at any time.
If you would like to go along and share a festive meal with others at Grace Church, 124 Benerembah Street, RSVP to 0439 239 833 by December 19 for catering purposes.
If you would like to contribute to the festivities, please contact 0439 239 833.
When you call, let them know if you need any help getting to the luncheon.
Pastor Nigele and the Grace Church team look forward to sharing a special meal, swapping stories and making memories with you this Christmas.
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