Griffith City Council’s Draft Budget For 2024/25 Now On Exhibit

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix


Griffith City Council’s draft annual budget for 2024/25 is on public display so residents can submit feedback. Photo by Brett Naseby.

Griffith City Council has released its draft Annual Budget for 2024/25 for public exhibit.

At the Extraordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday, May 7, Council resolved to endorse the draft Delivery Program, Operational Plan (budget) and the draft Long Term Financial plan and invite the community to provide feedback.

The draft budget includes a proposed increase in general rates of 10.5 per cent, inclusive of the 4.5 per cent rate peg set by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART).

The decision from IPART, in relation to Council’s application to implement a Special Rate Variation over the next three years of 10.5 per cent itch year, is expected this month.

In the 2024/25 year, Council has proposed to undertake major road works, including Stage 2 Dickie Road, Yambil Street upgrade (Stage 4), Kookora Street and Walla Avenue Roundabout and the Griffith Southern Industrial Link Road Stage 4a(i).

Capital projects in the draft budget also include Lake Wyangan recreation area improvements, Event infrastructure at Community Gardens, South Lake Pump Relocation, Quarry and New Land Fill Cell, Yoogali Levee construction, Paid Parking Infrastructure at the Airport and New Sewer Rising Mains from G2 to G1 Sewer Pump Stations.

According to Griffith Mayor, Doug Curran, the draft budget reflects Council’s efforts to provide the best level of service possible within a difficult economic climate, where rising costs, inflation, the Residents and community member are invited to attend an in-person Budget workshop on Thursday, May 23 at the Griffith City Library commencing at 6 pm or speak to Council representatives at the Riverina Field Days Council stand W2 today and tomorrow.

Community members are encouraged to provide feedback on the Draft 2024/25 Delivery Program and Operational Plan (Budget) and Draft Long Term Financial Plan by completing an online feedback form at, emailing their feedback to or posting feedback to the General Manager PO Box 485, Griffith, 2680.

Submissions must be received by 4 pm Wednesday, June 5.

All submissions received will be included in a report to be presented to an Ordinary Meeting of Council.

As such, copies of all submissions (including the writer’s name) will form part of Council’s Business Paper and be available to the public. Should you wish to have your contact details withheld it is recommended that you request this in your submission.

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