Griffith To Participate In A Network Leak Detection Program

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix


Griffith City Council will participate in the pilot of a Network Leak Detection Program starting next week.

Griffith City Council will participate in a Network Leak Detection Program run by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE).

As part of the pilot program, specialist water network leak detection contractors will undertake on-the-ground surveying to identify water leaks in the Griffith Local Government Area (LGA) from Tuesday, April 11 for a period of two months.

The leak detection work will involve assessing approximately 500km of potable water mains in the Griffith network.

Following this work, a report with leak locations mapped and any associated asset maintenance issues will be provided to Council.

Director of Utilities, Graham Gordon said the results would assist Council address unknown water leaks in the LGA network.

“Phase 2 of the Regional Network Leakage Detection Project is part of the NSW Government’s $12.5 million Regional Leakage Reduction Program which has already seen more than 2,700 kilometres of water mains surveyed and more than 930 leaks found, saving Councils over billions of litres of lost water this year alone,” Mr Gordon said.

“There is no cost to Council associated with the leak detection works, however, the leak repair costs need to be borne by Council.

“Leaks identified will be documented and reported to Council upon completion of the works.”

Griffith Mayor, Doug Curran encouraged residents to be aware of the program and its objectives.

“It is anticipated that work will be carried out without any disruption to residents, however, in some instances there may be a need to survey the customer side of the water meter.

“I urge everyone to cooperate with the contractors.”

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