Griffith Welcome A Taste Of Italy Back In August

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix

06 Salami-Festival-22

This year’s A Taste Of Italy promises to be a week-long extravaganza of food, music, dance and entertainment.

Griffith loves to celebrate the rich heritage of one of the world’s most beloved cultures with A Little Taste Of Itay.

Coordinated by Visit Griffith, the city will come alive with the sights, sounds and flavours of Italy from August 21 to 27.

The festival showcases the best of Griffith’s Italian cuisine, traditions and hospitality with a range of events and experiences taking place throughout the week.

Griffith City Council Events Coordinator, Izabella Apolloni said they were thrilled to bring back the A Taste of Italy Griffith festivities.

"This festival is a celebration of Griffith’s large Italian heritage that has made it what it is today, and a chance for the community to come together and showcase the many authentic Italian experiences that have been passed down from generations before,” Ms Apolloni said.

The festival will feature the sold-out favourite ‘Festa Del Salsicce e Salami’, better known as the Salami Festival, Italian Opera in the Garden at Piccolo Family Farm, Italian Gastronomy at Calabria Family Wines, La Tavola Lunga at De Bortoli Wines, a number of other experiences at our local wineries and much more.

Banna Avenue will become a hive of activity Saturday morning, with people enjoying a coffee and Italian treat while wandering the sidewalk sales and checking out the wonderful window displays.

Salami judging will take place at the Yoogali Club from mid-morning onwards.

Griffith Tourism Manager, Mirella Guidolin said A Taste of Italy had become one fo the major annual festivals on the city’s calendar.

“It has been embraced so beautifully by our local community, as they deliver the many events and experiences on the ground, which make up this seven-day program, providing visitors with a memorable time in Griffith,” Ms Guidolin said.

“A Taste of Italy Griffith attracts a mass of visitors each year, from all over Australia, which in turn has a huge economic impact on our wonderful city.

“Event programs will be available from early July, so pick up your copy or find out what is planned online.”

Head to or call 1800 681 141 for more information.

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