Griffith’s Easter Party A Resounding Success

IMAGE: The success of Griffith’s Easter Party draws crowds in the thousands.
Griffith’s Easter Party was a resounding success, despite the chilly weather, with visitors and locals alike enjoying festivities over the long weekend.
Whether browsing for bargains on the main street or participating in one of the many events, all stakeholders gave positive feedback.
Griffith Mayor, Doug Curran expressed his excitement over the return of so many events and the turnout of visits.
“It was great to see so many locals and visitors turning up to enjoy the long weekend in Griffith,” Mayor Curran said.
Tourism Events Coordinator, Izabella Apolloni reported over 7,300 attendees at ticketed events and accommodation at 70 per cent capacity, with many also staying with friends and relatives.
All operators providing experiences were well-attended, including Bacchus on the Lake, Pioneer Park Action Day, Griffith’s Craft Beer Festival, Riverina Winemakers event Griffith Vintage Festival and Producers Market at Piccolo Family Farm.
Local cafes, restaurants, clubs and retailers were also bustling with activity, with the Saturday Side Walk Sale the busiest yet.
The success of the event was made possible by the cooperation of local operators, staff and volunteers.
“Local shop owners commented that the Saturday Side Walk Sale was the busiest day to date with lots of success stories shared,” Ms Apolloni said.
Mayor Curran is already looking forward to next year’s event, set for March 28 to April 1 and encouraged visitors to check out the Visit Griffith What’s On Calendar or call 1800 681 141 for more information.
Highlights of Griffith’s Easter Party included:
- Good Friday’s Pioneer Park Action Day - 2,300 people in attendance;
- The return of the craft beer festival, Blood Sweat & Beers on Easter Saturday - close to 1500 attended;
- Riverina Winemakers event, Griffith Vintage Festival attracted over 1,200 attendees;
- Good numbers were also recorded at winery cellar door events across Saturday and Sunday (Berton Vinyard, De Bortoli Wines and Yarran Wines); and
- The Piccolo Family Producers Market attracted over 2,000 patrons through the gates.
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