Have Your Say On Housing Needs In Griffith

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix


Griffith residents are urged to provide feedback on the city’s housing needs to help plan for the future.

Griffith City Council has invited residents to provide feedback on the housing needs in Griffith and help shape the region’s housing future.

Griffith is growing, and the demand for diverse housing options across our region has become increasingly evident.

To ensure Council meets the evolving needs of our community, they have engaged consultants PSA Consulting to conduct a comprehensive review of Griffith Housing Strategy, originally prepared in 2019.

Council’s Economic Development Coordinator Karly Sivewright has urged all Griffith residents to share their thoughts and insights on how Council could effectively plan for housing growth and change in our community.

“Your feedback will play a crucial role in identifying community priorities and shaping the discussions that will guide the future of housing in our region,” Ms Sivewright said.

“We encourage everyone to take a few minutes to complete the survey and share their views on housing in Griffith.”

The survey is a valuable opportunity for residents to voice their opinions on a range of housing-related topics.

The insights gathered will help Council develop a new housing strategy that aligns with the needs and desires of the Griffith community, ensuring the city continues to be a great place to live, work and thrive.

Quick and easy to complete, the survey takes just a few minutes.

Whether you’re a homeowner, renter or looking to move to the area, your voice matters in the important process.

Participate in the survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CV7PHHW

Feedback from this survey, together with comments received from the Griffith Worker and Housing Shortage Taskforce Draft Report on Strategies to Increase Housing Supply - August 2024, which is now on exhibition, will help in this review process.

Email ed@griffith.nsw.gov.au for further information.

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