Have Your Say On The Name of A Strip Of Murrumbidgee Shoreline in the Narrandera local IAGA

The Geographical Names Board (GNB) has sought community feedback on a proposal by Narrandera Shire Council to name a shore along the Murrumbidgee River in the locality of Narrander as Koori Beach.
The beach is a narrow strip of river sand along the northern edge of the Murrumbidgee River in the Narrandera Local Government Area (LGA).
Spanning approximately 300 metres, it is located on the river bend northwest of LIzard Drive.
Narrandera’s Aboriginal community chose the name Koori Beach in recognition of the connection and cultural importance of the site.
Koori is a term used for identifying Aboriginal history, people and culture from the region.
Geographical Names Board Chair, Narelle Underwood, said the GNB had sought feedback to gauge community sentiment for the proposed name.
“It is important that place names reflect the character and history of the local area and community,” Ms Underwood said.
“We want to make sure everyone has an opportunity to provide their feedback on the proposed name.”
Suggestions for alternative names are not being sought at this time. Place names do not impact the rights or obligations associated with the land.
Details of the proposal can be viewed, and submissions lodged on the GNB website.
Written submissions on the proposed changes can also be mailed to: Secretary, Geographical Names Board, 346 Panorama Avenue, Bathurst, NSW, 2795.
Submissions close January 20, 2024.
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