Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Youth Theatre Troupe Is Back

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix


Youth Theatre Troupe offers Griffith’s young aspiring actors an opportunity to hone their skills and put on a show.

Young thespians and those aspiring to life on the stage are urged to register for the Youth Theatre Troupe after-school drama classes at Griffith Regional Theatre set to commence on Tuesday, February 14.

Sessions cater to young people aged between 9 and 18 years.

Classes for junior students, aged 9 to 12, will take place on Tuesday afternoons and seniors will meet on Monday afternoons.

The sessions will be facilitated by the new Troupe Leader, Melanie Toscan.

Students will learn a range of drama and performance skills in a fun and supportive environment.

Junior Troupe will enjoy improvisation, scripted workshopping, group and solo performance work as well as theatre sports and games.

Senior Troupe will focus on performance techniques for stage and group performance work.

Seniors will also have the opportunity to create, develop and perform a short show with input from Statera - a professional production company during Terms 2 Manager for Griffith Regional Theatre, Marg Andreazza said they were glad to have Melanie on board for 2023 and were looking forward to having the drama troupe kids back at the theatre again.

“It is such a great program for kids interested in the performing arts or just looking for something different do,” Ms Adreazza said.

“We’re especially excited to provide a performance opportunity to the senior students with guidance from theatre company, Statera - we can’t wait to see what the students come up with.”

The six-week block runs on Thursdays from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm, commencing Tuesday, February 14 for Juniors at a cost of $80.

Seniors will pay $120 for an eight-week block running on Mondays from 5 pm to 6:30 pm starting Monday, February 13. You can use Service NSW Creative Kids vouchers to pay for enrolment.

Troupe students and their families will be eligible for discounted tickets to selected shows throughout the year. Visit www.griffithregionaltheatre.com.au to enrol your young thespian or phonet the Box Office at 6962 8444.

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