Help Council Create Safer Public Spaces

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix

Banna Avenue, main street of Griffith, NSW, 2022

Griffith City Council invites women, girls and gender diverse people to help them design safe public spaces through the Safer Cities: Her Way program.

Griffith City Council (GCC) has urged women, girls and the gender-diverse of the Griffith Local Government Area (LGA) over the age of 16 to help them design safer public spaces in our CBD.

Transport for NSW has partnered with GCC to create and test positive long-term change in public spaces through the Safer Cities: Her Way program.

The program will deliver up to $1 million worth of public interventions with the help of the community through a co-design process.

That is where our residents come in.

They will work with representatives from GCC helping develop the future of the CBD through a creative workshop.

They’ll also be involved in a guided walk through the CBD to analyse and record personal feelings in terms of safety.

As a show of appreciation, participants will be provided with a delicious meal or nibbles and a $100 gift voucher at the conclusion of the program.

Participants must be available for at least one 1.5 hour walk and one co-design session.

Visit, email or contact Council on 1300 176 077 for more information.

Participants under the age of 16 can be involved so long as they have parental consent.

Details are contained within the registration form.

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