Jerilderie Public School Visits Wormtech

Worm Tech plays host to Jerilderie Public School at the Carrathool composting facility last month.
On Thursday, September 7, Murrumbidgee Council’s FOGO waste gurus, Worm Tech hosted Grade 3 to 6 students from Jerilderie Public School at their Carrathool composting facility.
The students put their ‘source separation’ skills to the test with their new Council bin systems and did an outstanding job, effortlessly sorting the rubbish into the correct bins.
The young environmental enthusiasts were treated to an eye-opening tour of the Carrathool composting facility.
They learned about the journey of their ‘green bin’ after it leaves their kerbside.
Students were surprised to discover how much general rubbish ended up contaminating the food and garden waste stream when people failed to sort their rubbish properly.
In just 13 years, Worm Tech went from a fairly small enterprise birthed on a Yenda family farm operated by a husband and wife team to now employing 15 staff, operating the Carrathool composting facility and diverting 234,068 tonnes of organic waste from landfill.
They also process food and organics (FOGO) for some Councils like Murrumbidgee and produce 40,000 tonnes of compost each year.
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