The Jerilderie Uniting Church congregation have arranged to host the Wesley International Youth Group DIGJC from Sydney to experience country life and run the holiday youth program.
DIGJC is an inspirational and talented group of young Christians who want to share their time, their faith, and their gifts with the young people from our region.
The program is open to school-aged children from Kindergarten to Year 12 and will run from 9 am to 4 pm each day from Monday, April 24 to Wednesday, April 26.
Youths can arrive at Jerilderie Racecourse from 8:50 am and parents are asked to be prompt when collecting them at the end of the day.
The cost of the program is $10 per child per day (maximum $20 per family per day), but organisers do not want any child to miss out due to family hardship, so please speak with someone when you register.
Kids can expect to participate in the following activities:
- Various sports;
- Cooking;
- Art and craft;
- Guitar workshops;
- Piano workshops;
- Canoeing; and more.
Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be provided.
They will also have a live band, singing and bible stories.
Contact Jacqui Robertson at 0491 183 557 or or Lorraine Comber at 03 5886 1576 or for more information and registration forms.
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