Letter To The Editor

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix

Cherie-Barber 5105r

Cherie Barber, Australia’s Renovation Queen urges renovators to be aware of risks of asbestos.

Dear Editor,

Each November Australia’s Asbestos Education Committee focuses on saving the lives of everyday Australians who might risk disturbing asbestos when renovating older homes.

With the annual death toll from asbestos-related diseases exceeding 4,000 and predicted to rise, it’s vital that every Australian homeowner understands where asbestos might be lurking in their home and what to do to manage it safely.

What most don’t know is that asbestos could be anywhere in any home built before 1990 including brick, fibro, weatherboard, clad homes, apartments or sheds because it was used in the manufacture of more than 3000 building and decorator products, not just fibro sheeting.

Asbestos could be lurking under floor coverings including carpets, linoleum and vinyl tiles, behind wall and floor tiles, in cement floors, internal and external walls, ceilings and ceiling space (insulation), eaves, roofs, around hot water pipes, fences, home extensions, garages, outdoor toilets, backyard and farm structures, chook sheds and even dog kennels.

The fear is that with the popularity of renovating continuing to soar if property owners aren’t aware that potentially deadly asbestos lurks within 1-in-every-3 homes, and if asbestos is disturbed during renovation, demolition or maintenance, homeowners could be risking their lives and the lives of their loved ones.

Australians need to respect the ever-present danger of asbestos by visiting www.asbestosawareness.com.au to learn what to look for and what to do to ensure asbestos is managed safely in line with government regulations.

I’ve been a professional renovator all my adult life and as someone who lost their grandfather to an asbestos-related disease I know personally what it’s like to lose a loved one to asbestos when it can be so easily prevented.

The first rule is, if you think a product may contain asbestos, treat it as if it is asbestos and take all the necessary precautions starting with having the property inspected by an occupational hygienist or a licenced asbestos assessor.

Remember, a regular building inspection does not test for asbestos. And if asbestos is confirmed, property owners should only use licenced asbestos removalists to ensure they protect themselves and their families because it’s not worth the risk.

To support the important work of the Asbestos Education Committee, you can make a tax-deductible donation via www.asbestosawareness.com.au/support. Kind Regards,

Cherie Barber
Australia’s Renovation Queen™

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