Lifeline Launches New Support Toolkit

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix


Lifeline has launched a new service designed to reach help seekers not yet ready to speak to someone else about their situation or prefer to manage things themselves first.

Available at, the new Support Toolkit is filled with practical information in plain language along with the best curated tools, apps, techniques and services to help individuals take the next step in their wellbeing journey.

The Support Toolkit was also designed to help those supporting someone else in need.

It provides tools and resources to help people understand and cater to the needs of someone in distress, while making sure they administer effective self-care at the same time.

Lifeline CEO, Colin Seery said the Support Toolkit would enable the organiation to support people who wouldn’t otherwise engage with mental health and crisis support.

“Our new Support Toolkit means help seekers at all stages of their journey can come to Lifeline to access help on their own terms,” Mr Seery said.

“It helps people to make sense of their experience and take active steps to manage their wellbeing.

“We know that a lot of people looking for help might not yet be comfortable involving another person in their situation.

“The Toolkit makes it easy for anyone who feels they are ready to take positive steps forward but doesn’t know where to start.”

Lifeline Australia Executive Director of Service Design and Delivery, Dane Glerum said the Toolkit had been designed to support the formation of long-term behaviours and skills that build resilience and prevent crisis.

“We’ve learned help seeksers can feel overwelmed with how much information is out there, and often don’t know where to turn,”Mr Glerum said.

“Australians have trusted Lifeline to provide support for over 60 years,” Mr Glerum said.

“We’ve curated our Toolkit to build on this sense of trust by providing access to practical information, tools and resources whenever and wherever they’re needed.

“The site is designed to create an inclusive, accessible and personalised experience which allows people to engage at different points in their journey, find the next steps and have the option of coming back without having to restart the process.”

Group Head of Community & Executive Officer of the NIb Foundation, Amy Tribe said the organisation said she was proud to partner with Lifeline for the site.

“We already help so many Australians make informed healthcare decisions, interact with healthcare systems and generally live healthier lives,” Ms Tribe said.

“The Toolkit takes this to a whole other level and complements the wide array of support we are proud to provide.”

Visit to experience the new toolkit.

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