Little Wings Transporting Seriously Ill Children

IMAGE Three-year-old Xander Bowerman is a Little Wings frequent flyer.
Born with medical conditions hydrocephalus and macrocephaly, Xander requires routine treatment at Sydney Children’s Hospital. The problem is that Xander lives here in Griffith, a good 7-hour drive from his treatment. As many locals know, such routine trips are both costly and emotionally taxing.
Xander is usually accompanied by his grandmother Tracy Andreatta for his routine trips, enabling his mother to remain at home with his siblings.
Following a recent flight home, Ms Andreatta said the support of Little Wings made the process more bearable and kept the family functioning.
“The first couple of times (we had to travel to Sydney Children’s Hospital) we drove, but my nerves don’t take well to city traffic,” she said.
“I heard about Little Wings and the social worker at Sydney Children’s Hospital referred us to them.”
“Now it is two days out of our lives instead of almost a week.”
Ms Andreatta said that Xander, almost 4 years of age now, doesn’t like to wear the earmuffs because he likes to hear everything.“He’s a good flier,” she said. “We are always relieved to see this little aircraft after a long hospital stay and to know that we are finally heading home,” she said.
“Thanks Little Wings for both the flight and the love.”
Ms Andreatta also said that the team at Little Wings has also helped with finding accommodation, organising car seats and all the other equipment needed when travelling with children, and all at no cost to the family.
Little Wings Chief Executive Clare Pearson said they were proud to be part of the journey for families like Xander’s.
“We operate on a daily basis from Bankstown Aerodrome with the sole purpose of helping regional families caring for a seriously ill child,” Ms Pearson said. “So knowing that we have positively impacted Xander and his family is a triumph for us.”
“Little Wings is committed for the duration of the treatment journey for regional families, we are in it for the long haul, because when we support families, communities thrive.”
“But we cannot do it alone and we are so grateful to have the support and partnership of St George Bank, that allows us to support families in need without hesitation.”
“We wish Xander and his family nothing but health and happiness for the future.”
As Little Wings is a not-for-profit organisation that receives no government funding, it relies heavily on community support in order to help Xander and other young children in similar situations. Thankfully, St George Bank has been quietly working in the background, funding missions and helping ease the journey for regional families in need.”
General Manager of St George Bank Ross Miller said Little Wings was a charity that was largely based on volunteers and coupled with that, aero-medical operations were costly.
“Our partnership means Little Wings can continue to operate and undertake their remarkable work, taking to the skies and providing safe transport for children and their families, at no cost.”
Any donations and support from the community would be greatly appreciated.
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