Local Government Election Day

Remember to vote for your choice of Councillors in the Local Government election tomorrow, Saturday, September 14.
Griffith residents are reminded that the Local Government Election will be held tomorrow, Saturday, September 14, with voting compulsory for all eligible residents within the Local Government Area.
Polling places will be open from 8 am to 6 pm at the following places:
Beelbangera Public School;
Griffith East Public School;
Griffith North Public School;
Griffith Public School;
Griffith Uniting Church;
Hanwood Public School;
Lake Wyangan Public School;
Yenda Public School; and
Yoogali Public School.
The NSW Electoral Commission provides support for people living with disability to ensure a smooth voting process.
If you need assistance at a polling venue, you can ask someone for help.
Venue staff are trained to assist, or you may nominate a friend, relative or other person (other than a candidate) to help you.
If you do not nominate anyone, a venue official may provide assistance.
If you are unable to leave your vehicle, ballot papers can be brought to you.
Residents are reminded that postal votes must be received by the Electoral Commission no later than Friday, September 27 to be counted.
The official declaration of the election will take place between Monday, September 30 and Friday, October 4.
For more information, contact the NSW Electoral Commission on 1300 135 736 or visit www.elections.nsw.gov.au
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