Lullaby Launched Save The Koala Month

Koala Lullaby kicks off The Australian Koala Foundation’s Save the Koala Month last week.
The Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) launched Save the Koala Month with a sweet lullaby by Aussie composer and educator, Donna Dyson.
“Although the Koala Lullaby was created to encourage children to go to sleep, we adults must stay wide awake to ensure koalas and their habitats are protected forever,” Ms Dyson said.
“I hope the lullaby will bring some awareness and joy during Save the Koala Month and all year long for our fuzzy friends.”
Koala lovers from across the globe are encouraged to dig deep for the beloved Australian animal this month.
The annual fundraising month enables the AKF to undertake vital work such as the Koala Kiss Project, aiming to connect koala habitats through Australia.
AKF Chair, Deborah Tabart OAM, said Habitat loss remained the biggest threat to the koala and much of it was extremely fragmented.
“The AKF has spent more than 24 years studying koala habitats and we believe the Koala Kiss Project which will join separate areas of habitate (kiss points), to create one contiguous corridor from Cairns to Melbourne will help mitigate habitat loss,” Ms Tabart said.
“This is a long-term project and one we hope will one day see the koala as well as other Australian wildlife have safe homes for generations to come.”
The AKF receives no government funding, so the Save the Koala Month is the it’s main fundraising arm.
“This year, we hope supporters everywhere will show their love for koalas and think of some innovative and exciting fundraising ideas,” Ms Tabart said.
Follow the ‘30 Days, 30 Ways to Save the Koala’ campaign for Save the Koala Month.
Listen to Koala Lullaby here, and globally on all streaming platforms.
Save the Koala Month ends with Koala Day on September 30.
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