Margaret King Encourages Residents From All Walks Of Life To Join LHAC

Margaret King, current Chair of Griffith Local Health Advisory Committee urges residents from all different backgrounds to join the LHAC.
Griffith Local Health Advisory Committee’s (LHAC) Chair Margaret King has encouraged residents from all cultures and backgrounds to put their hands up to join the group.
“What you want is a good cross-section of the community,” Ms King said.
“We are looking for all genders - male, female - all cultures.
“The wider your tentacles can get out in the community the better.”
A couple of applications have been received recently.
Ms King said that Griffith LHAC would meet twice more this year and then return in February for the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
“We meet on the fourth Wednesday of the month for about one-and-a-half to two hours in the boardroom at the hospital,” Ms King said.
“The General Manager attends every meeting and gives us an update.
“That is really all members need to commit to.”
Apart from the monthly meetings, other opportunities arise from time to time - an invitation to an event or information session, for example.
Members can take these additional opportunities up or not, as they wish.
Ms King’s tenure is drawing to an end and she will need to stand down, but she has been given an extension to stay on until April 2025.
Members of Griffith LHAC have the opportunity to have a walk through the updated hospital before anyone else.
Griffith LHAC now has a facebook page and Ms King said she posts a lot of information on the page.
“I get contacted by people looking for information, so it is important that the information we’re providing is accurate,” she said.
“I never post anything I don’t know is 100 percent correct.”
At a recent pop-up vaccination clinic for the Muslim community, LHAC gave 80 vaccinations in a couple of hours - as people arrived and departed prayers at the mosque.
“We have to work smart,” Ms King said.
In fact, with no budget to speak of, LHAC works with groups like the Prostate Support Group and combines resources.
“We can raise issues directly with the General Manager of the hospital,” Ms King said.
“We’ve been working on the A/H GP clinic - all free.
“We’ve been giving it a lot of promotion.
Anyone with a passion for improving health outcomes in their local community is invited to apply to join their nearest LHAC.
LHAC members are volunteers who provide a vital link between community and health services.
Committees meet monthly to discuss health needs, advocate for services and access to services and provide feedback.
Each committee identifies and prioritises health needs and works with health services to benefit each community.
People interested in volunteering don’t need a background in health.
Ms King won MLHD Volunteer of the Year a few months ago and was subsequently nominated in the NSW Awards.
She headed to Sydney yesterday, Thursday, October 24 as one of the four State finalists.
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