Masterplan Consultant Appointed For Cultural Prectinct

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix


Cr Jenny Ellis

At the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on November 8, Council resolved to support the Cultural Precinct Master Plan’s Committee recommendation to appoint consultants, Conrad Gargett to complete the Cultural Precinct Masterplan.

This decision follows from the resolution of Council June 8 to commit to building an art gallery in the next five years and providing funds within the 2022/23 Operational year Budget for the preparation of a Cultural Precinct Masterplan and inclusion of plans for a Regional Art Gallery.

Chair of the Cultural Precinct Masterplan Committee, Councillor Jenny Ellis said the first step in committing to build a new art gallery was to prepare the Cultural Precinct Masterplan.

“The Masterplan will encompass multiple facets of arts and culture in Griffith, including all the current cultural facilities, stages and open art spaces,” Councillor Ellis said.

“Constructing a facility requires considerable planning to ensure its success.

“This is so much more than just a building or a location and it’s important we get the details right early on to ensure the community has a cultural facility which can be utilised well into the future.

“I know it seems like a simple process - find a location, construct a building - but it is vital that we not be reactionary but take the opportunity to build something which captures the imagination and soul of our community and encompasses the diverse cultural blend which makees Griffith so unique.

“The former Council determined it was necessary to obtain a masterplan and ensure that the Art Gallery meets not only the expectations of the community, but the vision and future art and culture needs of Griffith.”

Councillor Ellis said the Conrad Garget team brought with it not only architecture, and urban landscape design expertise but also an indigenous design and consultation specialist, and access to specialist consultants in tourism, arts management, theatre design, gallery design, audiovisual, museum/exhibition design and library spaces.

“Recognising that a Cultural Precinct Masterplan was wise and we need to consider all aspects of the project, including costs, funding and timeframes, this sort of expertise is not readily available locally and is why we created the Expression of Interest and appointed Conrad Gargett,” she said.

“In committing to constructing only a new Art Gallery we would be doing a great disservice to our community.

“We need to consider how it fits holistically within our current cultural facilities and how it can cater to the needs of our community in the future.”

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