MI Infrastructure Overhaul To Boost Environmental Water Delivery

Murrumbidgee Irrigation Urban Channel Pipelines proposal gets green light from Australian Government.
More than 2,500ML of water is set aside to return to the environment from across Griffith and Leeton after the Australian Government green-lighted the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Urban Channel Pipelines proposal.
It marks an overall project investment of up to $63.5 million, including $62.2 million directly into the NSW Riverina, which will replace ageing concrete and dirt open channels with a new state-of-the-art pipeline across Murrumbidgee Irrigation’s urban water network.
The works will reduce water losses from evaporative and seepage while more efficiently delivering supplies to irrigators, stock and domestic customers and towns.
The project will also create significant employment opportunities for local workers.
It’s the first project under the new Resilient Rivers Water Infrastructure Program, which builds on and replaces the former Off-farm Efficiency Program.
The project will:
Replace 47.4 km of open supply channels and 1.4 km of leaking pipeline with a new 47.5 km pipeline;
Remove 33 escapes;
Reconfigure the network to greater water efficiency, reduce losses and enable precise water control and delivery;
Save a total 2675 ML of water, with 2.541 ML going back to the environment;
Generate local construction and supply jobs, boosting regional economies. Up to $45 million will go directly to local contractors to deliver the project;
Help increase water security by allowing residents to connect to a new water pipeline, easing the burden on town water supply;
Create opportunities for councils to install new public walking paths and green spaces by repurposing land currently containing open channels;
Upgrade roadside drainage and decrease road maintenance; and
Help improve community health and safety by reducing mosquito-borne diseases through eliminating open water sources for breeding.
The water saved will allow NSW to continue to make good progress towards its Murray-Darling Basin Plan targets and boost the health of Basin waterways and the ecosystems that rely on them.
The NSW Government is currently in the process of confirming funding arrangements, with the project expected to commence in coming months.
The Resilient Rivers Water Infrastructure Program is fully funded by the Australian Government, while NSW works with applicants to develop proposals and deliver projects.
NSW Department Climate Control, Energy the Environment and Water Executive Director - Infrastructure Development, Lisa Hingerty said improving and modernising Murrumbidgee Irrigation’s water delivery system was a huge step forward when it came to water efficiency, reducing water losses, boosting environmental returns and meeting our Basin Plan obligations.
“The project is also a game-changer when it comes to regional employment, with up to $45 million going straight to local contractors, including for earth moving, gravel supply, concrete piping, framework, heavy machinery and automation hardware and software,” Ms Hingerty said.
“It also helps Leeton, Griffith and the agricultural communities that rely on Murrumbidgee Irrigation’s supply network to better prepare for a sustainable water future.
“And it’s a win for families, dog-walkers and locals who could soon have access to new green spaces and walking paths where open irrigation channels once were.
“The project ticks all of the boxes and means great outcomes across the board for the people of the Riverina, supporting strong economies, healthy rivers and thriving communities.”
Visit NSW RRWIP Website for more information.
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