MIA Fire Fighter Heads To Canada To Lend A Hand

Firefighter Deputy Captain Nell Duly will take her skills to Canada to lend a helping with their bushfires.
Hanwood Deputy Captain, Nell Duly said all Aussies knew that bushfires were nothing new.
“But the scale and severity of them are changing in many ways,” Deputy Captain Duly said.“It’s no longer enough to just prepare yourself to just be a basic firefighter.
“I’ve spent the last several years working hard in the classroom, gym and the fire ground to prepare for the role of an Arduous Firefighter learning about different types of fires and ways to combat them.
“Deploying to Canada is an opportunity for me to refine my skills and bring back new knowledge for my district as we prepare for our own bushfire season ahead.
“Every time we get catastrophic fires in Australia, Canadian firefighters are some of the first to raise their hands to help.
“I feel both honoured and proud that I can be a part of the team going to give back in Canada’s time of need.”
Operational Officer, Justin MacKellar explained why firefighter Duly was deploying to Canada.
“With the current rate of operational activity and weather forecasts, requests have been received for Arduous Firefighters to assist with the Canadian bushfires,” he said.
“Firefighters froma cross the state are deploying to help fight the first on the ground.
“The MIA District is proud to have a member answer the call.
“We are confident Nell will be a great ambassador for the NSW RFS and MIA District.
“Nell is a competent Arduous Firefighter, and her training will ensure she is up to the rigors of wildland fire fighting without the support of a truck full of water.
“Nell has been a volunteer firefighter with Hanwood RFS since 2021, even in such a short time, Nell has shown great leadership and eagerness to do what needs to be done to protect her community.
“Nell is a great example of what people can achieve when they volunteer with the RFS.
“Your get out what you put in, there are so many opportunities to excel.”
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