Murrumbidgee Council To Welcome New Residents At Free BBQs

Get a copy of Murrumbidgee Council’s New Resident Guide at the free barbecues to welcome newcomers to the community.
Murrumbidgee Council is rolling out the welcome mat for all new residents and their families in the Council area with free welcome barbecues in each town.
Mayor, Ruth McRae said the welcome events were a great way to experience the warm and friendly community environment that makes living in the local area so special.
“One of the most endearing things about living in Murrumbidgee is our community spirit and these welcome events are an important step in making sure new residents can explore the connections to quickly feel at home,” Mayor McRae said.
“New residents will get to connect with other people new to the area, as well as various community groups, councillors and staff, while enjoying a free barbecue in a social atmosphere.”
Darlington Point Rural Fire Brigade Captain, Stephen Goodsall said the brigade was pleased to be involved in the initiative and looked forward to connecting with new residents to give an insight into the value of being involved in the fire brigade, as well as offering information about life in the town generally.
Events will be held:
- Thursday, November 16 at 5:30 pm at CWA Hall in Darlington Point;
- Wednesday, November 22 at 5:30 pm at Luke Park, Jerilderie; and
- Wednesday, November 29 at 5:30 pm at John McInnes Square, Coleambally.
Anyone interested in attending is asked to RSVP by 5 pm on the day prior to the event for catering purposes.
More information can be found on Council’s website.
For those unable to attend, a copy of Council’s New Resident Guide can be obtained by calling Economic and Tourism Development Manager, Kellie Dissegna on 1300 676 243 or emailing
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