Murrumbidgee Council Welcomes New Citizen

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix


Paul Wood welcomed to the area by Murrumbidgee Council Mayor, Ruth McRae.

Murrumbidgee Council formally welcomed the area’s newest citizen at a Citizenship Ceremony on Tuesday, June 6.

Paul Wood officially took the Pledge of Commitment to become an Australian citizen, with Mayor, Ruth McRae officiating on behalf of the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, the Hon Andrew Giles MP.

Mayor McRae said she was delighted to officially confer Australian citizenship on Mr Wood.

“The genuine pride that each new Australian feels is evident at every single ceremony,” Mayor McRae said.

“I warmly congratulate Mr Wood for officially becoming an Australian and wish him all the very best.”

Mr Wood described the ceremony as a very special and humbling occasion. He acknowledged the professionalism shown by Council.

Murrumbidgee Council holds a number of citizenship ceremonies throughout the year.

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