Murrumbidgee Council Wins Waste To Art Initiative

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix


The Waste to Art Exhibition Opening in Coleambally on 21 June 2023 was a great success. The exhibition toured the Murrumbidgee Council area and showcased artistic creations made from things that would otherwise have been thrown away.

Murrumbidgee Council has won the coveted Communication and Engagement Award at the Keep Australia Beautiful NSW 2023 Tidy Towns Awards for populations between 1501 and 5000.

Mayor McRae said the Council was thrilled to learn of the award for the 2023 Waste to Art Initiative, which featured artistic designs from reused and recyclable materials.

She also said Council was really pleased with the initiative’s success and the positive impact it had on promoting sustainable waste practices and challenging attitudes about things that may otherwise been thrown away.

CEO of KAB NSW Val Southam said the commitment of the councils, organisations and individuals who entered was evident in the calibre of the entries received this year and she congratulated this year’s winners and finalists and everyone who entered.

The Waste to Art competition and ensuing exhibition were integral components in the Council’s holistic campaign to foster long-term changes in waste management behaviour and attitude.

Cr McRae said the initiative aligned perfectly with the Council-wide introduction of organic waste collection and recycling for Jerilderie in July this year.

“It served as our flagship communication tool in the campaign to improve the way waste is managed in our area. Importantly it also served to foster artistic and cultural excellence and community cohesion,” she said.

“Adding to the success of the project was the collaboration with many different champions of waste and art, including NetWaste, Western Riverina Arts, Kerri Weymouth Art, Isis Ronan-Rae, as well as our waste partners, Kurrajong Recycling and Wormtech. We also secured funding from the NSW Government for the exhibition opening.

“Thank you to everyone who was involved and who supported the initiative. Thanks also to our staff and councillors for their support”, she said.

Anyone wishing to view the video of the Waste to Art exhibition can visit the Council’s YouTube site

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