Murrumbidgee Short Story Competition Returns

Local writers and storytellers have until midnight Sunday, November 3, 2024, to enter their short story to the Murrumbidgee Short Story Competition.
Do you have a story inside you just begging to be told?
Perhaps now is the time to put pen to paper or exercise your fingers across the keyboard and tell it.
After a successful run last year, the Murrumbidgee Short Story Competition is back for 2024 and entries are open now.
This competition aims to inspire writers of all ages to be creative and entry is free.
To be eligible to enter, writers must be a resident of one of the four Western Riverina Arts membership Local Government Areas of Griffith, Leeton, Narrandera or Murrumbidgee.
Rules include:
Maximum of two entries per person.
The short story must be an original work not previously published elsewhere, including in blogs, magazines, books or websites.
The short story must not have been previously entered into this competition.
Subject matter is open.
Fiction and non-fiction stories accepted.
Entries must be submitted in Times New Roman and double spaced.
Entries must be submitted before midnight on Sunday, November 3, 2024, via Google forms.
Entries may also be emailed to with the subject line
MSSC24 Entry [Name]
and include name, age, phone number, category entered and postcode.
Winners will be announced in November after having undergone a blind judging by a panel.
Winning entries will be featured in upcoming Western Riverina Arts newsletters and published on their website.
First-place winners will be announced at the first ever MSSC event and Highly Commended writers will receive digital certificates.
The four categories are:
Open - 1,000 to 3,000 words with a cash prize of $350;
Open Runner Up - 1,000 to 3,000 words with a cash prize of $200;
Under 18 - 500 to 2,000 words with a cash prize of $200; and
Under 12 - Minimum 250 words with a cash prize of $75.
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