Napoli Named Deputy Mayor

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix


Councillor Anne Napoli will serve as Griffith City Council Deputy Mayor until September 2024.

Councillor Anne Napoli was elected to serve in the role of Griffith City Council Deputy Mayor at the Ordinary Council Meeting on Tuesday, September 26.

Councillor Napoli said her first thought after being named Deputy Mayor that she was very happy and pleased to be given the opportunity and trust from fellow Councillors to serve in the role.

“I hope to work towards and see a closer relationship between the Mayor and Councillors working more closely together,” Councillor Napoli said.

“I do have a few ideas on how to do that.

“Of course, my primary responsibility as Deputy Mayor is to act as the Mayor’s representative when the Mayor is unavailable, or, as requested by the Mayor to support Mayoral functions.

“Above all, I will continue to be a voice and lobby and advocate on behalf of our community.

“Especially now with so much angst and uncertainty surrounding the proposed Special Rate Variation.

“I would like to assure the community, I hear their concerns and will do my best for a positive outcome.

“I am approachable and that they can contact me anytime.”

Councillor Napoli has been elected to serve on Griffith City Council for almost 20 years.

“The Griffith community has shown me their loyalty and support in all this time and I am privileged and honoured to continue to be their representative, Councillor Napoli said.

“Although I was not born in Griffith, I grew up here.

“My family is here, it’s a wonderful community, a very generous and caring community.

“I do want to see Griffith grow and prosper and encourage and support development in our city.”

Ms Napoli will serve in the role until the Local Government Elections scheduled for September 2024.

With Councillors Napoli and Glen Andreazza nominating for the role, an open vote (show of hands) produced a 5:5 result and Napoli was proclaimed Deputy Mayor.

The position of Deputy Mayor is elected by the members of the Council while the Mayor is popularly elected every four years.

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