New Face Behind The Wheel Of Griffith’s Mobile Library

Griffith’s Mobile Library’s newly appointed operator, Kerry Ovalle takes her love of books to every stop.
The Griffith City Library’s Bookmobile is hitting the road witha f resh face behind the wheel.
Kerry Ovalle, the newly appointed operator, takes her love of books to every stop.
Ms Ovalle is excited to connect readers and share the joy of literature on her route.
“Our Home Library Service is a much-loved initiative for house-bound and elderly residents,” Ms Ovalle said.
“We deliver and pick up books from their homes every fortnight, customising selections to match their reading preferences.”
The Mobile Library also makes weekly visits to the towns of Yenda, Darlington Point and Coleambally.
At each stop, residents can browsed and select their own books, pick up reservations and return borrowed items.
Mobile Library Schedule:
Yenda - Fridays from 10:30 am to 12 noon;
Darlington Point - Thursdays from 2 pm to 4 pm; and
Coleambally - Wednesdays from 1 pm to 3:30 pm.
Catch the Mobile Library in a central spot during these times and enjoy the books and other services available.
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