New Funding For Councils To Go FOGO

Written by: The Griffith Phoenix


Councils can apply for up to $50 per household to implement the three-bin FOGO system - red lid for non-reyclables, yellow lid for recyclables and green lid for organics from the kitchen and garden.

The third round of the NSW Government’s $46 million Go FOGO grants program is now open, supporting councils across the state to roll out food organics and garden organics waste collection services to residents.

Councils can claim up to $50 per household to support the transition to FOGO, with additional payments available for areas with a high proportion of multi-unit dwellings.

Funds can be used to support the roll out of infrastructure such as green bins and kitchen caddies, education and staffing.

The NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has also launched “Starting Scraps”, a free FOGO education program co-designed with councils and Monash University’s BehaviourWorks to ensure households can make the most of their new service.

NSW EPA Executive Director of Programs and Innovation, Alexandra Geddes said the new resources are a fantastic way for councils to get the message out and help communities use FOGO well.

“FOGO recycling has great benefits for communities, councils, and the environment, but we know that asking people to change their habits at home can be challenging,” Ms Geddes said.

“This is the biggest change to household waste services since the introduction of the yellow lid recycling bin.

“That’s why we’ve worked closely with educators and behaviour-change specialists to create resources that can help people feel confident to recycle their food and garden scraps.

“FOGO is not only a great circular solution for food waste, but it also drives down emissions.

“For every tonne of food waste we divert from landfill, we’re also preventing 1.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide reaching our atmosphere.”

Almost half of NSW’s councils already have, or are planning to roll out their FOGO service.

The NSW Government is reviewing feedback on a proposal to mandate FOGO recycling statewide.

Rounds 1 and 2 of the Go FOGO grants program allocated more than $16 million to 19 council areas across NSW, supporting recent service roll outs in the Inner West, Murrumbidgee, Leeton Shire and Lithgow.

Applications to Round 3 are open until November 19, 2024.

Visit for more information about the EPA’s Go FOGO grants.

For more information about the new Starting Scraps resources, go to

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