Nominations For Australia Day Awards Now Open

Former Coleambally Australia Day recipients show off their certificates of recognition.
The New Year is fast approaching, and with it the Australia Day Awards in recognition of those people that tend to inspire the rest of us.
Murrumbidgee Council General Manager, John Scarce encouraged everyone to use the opportunity to publicly recognise the people in the community who go above and beyond.
Mr Scarce said that the Australia Day Awards were a great chance to highlight those special people’s efforts and successes.
They may be a dedicated volunteer, making an exceptional contribution to the community, a high achieving sports person or a club.
“We’ve faced many challenges again this year, so it’s more important than ever to celebrate our achievements,” Mr Scarce said.
Each town within the Murrumbidgee Council has various award categories, including Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year, Sportsperson of the Year, Sporting Team of the Year, Event/Group of the Year, Environmental Citizen of the Year and Cultural Award.
Recipients will be announced on Australia Day 2022.
If you know of someone deserving of recognition, visit Council’s website at, or contact 1300 676 243 for more information. You can also pick up nomination forms from each of Council’s offices.
Nominations close on December 3, 2021 for Jerilderie, January 5, 2022 for Coleambally and January 7, 2022 for Darlington Point.
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