Once In A Lifetime GAP Year Experience

An injection of school leavers looking for excitement could well be the solution to a worrying labour shortage problem for regional and rural areas of Australia.
The new Thankful4Farmers initiative developed by Thankful’s Australia to help address the skilled labour shortage across regional Australia is one that would be of great benefit to Griffith, according to Griffith Business Chamber President, Paul Pierotti.
“The Griffith Business Chamber very much supports the Gap year initiative,” Mr Pierotti said.
“Griffith businesses are really struggling to fill vital positions, in fact a recent RDA Skills study found that 78 percent of businesses surveyed who advertised a job in the Riverina did not fill those positions.
“It is vital we get more young people in the local workforce and we encourage all strategies that contribute to this.”
The concept behind Thankful4Farmers is encouraging young school leavers to GoAndPick or GoAndPour for their GAP Year. Essentially, it is encouraging them to spend their GAP Year exploring regional and rural Australia, learning some skills and earning money at the same time.
The labour shortages, particularly within the agricultural sector, have caused crop losses and tens of millions of dollars to be lost to the local economy, with fruit and vegetables rotting in the fields because there has been nobody to pick them.
The problem hasn’t stopped at the farmgate, though, it has caused hikes in fruit and vegetable prices to the consumer and the September 2021 Quarterly update for Horticulture from the Department of Agriculture predicts prices will remain high in 2021-22 due to the labour shortages.
Thankful CEO, Kim McDonnell, who is behind the initiative, said young people can earn money and learn new skills while exploring.
“We know young Aussies are dreaming of adventure after a hard year,” Ms McDonnell said.
“We also know they are the highest unemployed group, suffering the most with mental health and wellness.
“This really is a great opportunity for them to have fun, make new friends, earn money and get outta town after lockdown.
“At the same time, they will be ‘doing good’ by providing a helping hand to rural and regional communities and ensuring every Australian family can access the fresh and delicious produce this country produces.
“They will be connected with fee-free courses to help future-proof skills, explore new interests and trial in-demand industries.
“The skilled labour crisis and the growing impact of climate change compound the challenges currently facing farmers.
“So by connecting producers and employers in regional communities to young Aussies looking for an amazing adventure, we hope to help address the labour shortage issue and deliver a once in a lifetime experience filled with fun, new friendships and skill development opportunities.
“The New GAP Year platform is a labour solution for producers and other employers in rural and regional communities which estimates the agriculture labour shortage alone is around 24,000. “And with the lost crop register exceeding $50 million in March, already many producers are worried about the 2021 harvest and destroying produce because of the inability to harvest.”
“Thankful4Farmers is committed to helping regional and rural Australia and we wanted to help address this growing issue with a practical and meaningful solution, which will enables them to find seasonal workers they need and focus on what they do best – producing fresh and healthy produce for every Australian family every day.”
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